NGPR Roofing & Exteriors Logo Dawsonville GA


NGPR Roofing & Exteriors Logo Dawsonville GA

Roof Repair Service

Experts in Roof Repairs

Got a roofing problem?  Not taking care of a known problem no matter how small it may seem can cause costly repairs later.  NGPR Roofing & Exteriors knows firsthand that Georgia's vast extreme weathers can lead to numerous repairs needed for your roof.

Roof Repair Process

Our roof repair process begins with our free inspection. One of our GAF Certified Roofing staff members will provide you a complete analysis of our findings including photos and discuss the options we know will provide the ultimate protection of your roof. From there we work with you on selections and scheduling depending on the service needed. We will work with you to get you the best price and walk with you each step of the process start to finish.
Don’t let your roof go unprotected. 

Call the NGPR Roofing & Exterior experts today!
NGPR Roofing & Exteriors Roof Installation Dawsonville, GA

Common Roof Repair Request

Missing Shingles

One of the most common and often seen from the yard is missing shingles on a roof. When rain and windstorms come through, the shingle nails can be removed from the roofing foundation causing them to blow off your roof. Missing shingles not only provide an opportunity for leaks to start but they can cause your energy bill to rise as well.


Another very common call we receive is homeowners or business owners noticing stains on their ceiling or walls. This is typically due to some sort of roof leak. They are one of the most serios problems roofs face as it can rot the wood which then leads to more costly damage.

Structural Damage

Georgia is known for our vast vegetation, primarily trees. We have experienced a lot of homeowners who live on acres of land where a tree has fallen after a storm and hit their home. No matter if you experience a full tree that has hit your home or a branch that has caused damage to your roof- our roofing experts will quickly assess, mitigate and repair your roof damages.
NGPR Roofing & Exteriors
22 Thayer Ridge Drive
Dawsonville, GA 30534
(770) 231-9049
Ask about how we honor our military families.
Request information on our upgrades with any roof replacement.
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